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Welcome to the website of Berlin Black Women (BBW)

What is Berlin Black Women (BBW) ?

Networking hub

BBW is a networking hub for Afro women of various nationalities and professional backgrounds. Members are, amongst others, English, French, German, Swahili, Portuguese and isiZulu mother tongue speakers

Cultural bridge

It is a bridge between women of all cultures and occupations: BBW’s subsequent aim is to spur a dialogue, a bridge, friendship and solidarity between Afro women and women of all cultures and walks of life in Germany


BBW is an advocate for cultural and professional integration in Germany. First hand information, guidance, presentations, courses and seminars are offered to new Berliners and members in order to further a successful integration


Presentation, round-table, workshop and showcasing events are organised. BBW is a strong disseminating platform for its members and guests. We welcome individuals, officials, NGOs, associations and initiatives as presenters and panellists